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Perguntas frequentes

  • Is The Process With Swipe Dé Luxe Safe?
    -Swipe Dé Luxe GUARANTEES this process is safe or YOUR MONEY BACK! -Swipe Dé Luxe is a Federal & State recognized corporation. We have spent many thousands of dollars to create this company focusing primarily on customer longevity and quality of service; We are in the business of making custom cards for our long-term customers – Not stealing information. What we offer is a very unique product and we are in a very unique business, and with that we pride ourselves in gaining your trust. We do not store any of your credit card information in anyway, we only transfer the data from your card to your new metal card. Please realize, in order for us to produce a fully functional custom design card of your choice, you will need to ship us your card. There is simply no other method for us to do so without it. We do not ask for your PIN, social security number, pass code or anything of that sort. We do recommend that you "Freeze" your card before shipping it to us, or send us a new card that has not been activated. ABOUT SWIPE DÉ LUXE:: 1. We are a NJ Corporation filed with the state of New Jersey. 2. We have an actual physical office location in Short Hills, New Jersey. 3. and it’s regulations ensure a safe and secure checkout every time. 4. Magstripe Converter Machine (MCM) AUTOMATICALLY erases card information upon 30 seconds of inactivity and/or next card insertion.
  • Will My New Metal Card Work Properly?
    Yes! Your new metal card will work everywhere you would normally use your regular plastic card; globally. Yes! Your metal card will work in ATM machines. ATM Machine Recommendation: Due to the additional weight of the card, it's not recommended that you use an ATM that requires you to fully insert the card. The sensors and rollers may not always eject the card, we suggest using machines where you can manually remove your card. PLEASE NOTE: If your current card has a contactless payment this feature, this will not be available on your new metal card, you will however still be able to use contactless payments via your smart phones to replace this feature.
  • How Long Will This Process Take?
    From your online checkout purchase, to the arrival of your METAL card at your doorstep, our average estimated turnaround time is 1-2 days, upon the arrival of your plastic card at our office! 1-3 days :: you to ship your card to us, we will then create your custom METAL card the same day we receive it. 1-2 days :: we ship Priority Shipping (with insurance & tracking) of your card/s back to you. (original card and new metal). Typically overall, it should be a 4-5 day process time. We practice quick & quality service to ensure you are without your card for the least amount of time possible.
  • What Design Can I Add To My Card?
    Your card is fully customizable, but you are responsible for the content printed; we do not assume liability for trademark or copyright claims.
  • What If My Card Is Lost, Stolen?"
    If your card is lost or stolen, contact your bank ASAP! You must treat this the same as any debit or credit card that is owned by the card issuer. If your metal card is lost or stolen and you've purchased our insurance coverage upon checkout, we will provide you with up to 2 metal replacement cards during the course of your insurance period, as needed, if needed. *For insurance card replacement; the replacement card/s will be the same color and design as originally purchased. There is a $10 shipping fee for US customers & $50 shipping fee for international customers on all insurance replacement cards.
  • Where Do We Provide Shipping?
    We currently ship anywhere in the US; we ship Globally as well, international shipping rates will apply as per country.
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