At Swipe Dè luxe, we understand and work with individuals and companies that would like to order custom metal credit or debit cards in bulk. We have price points per order, the more you order, the more of a percentage we're able to take off your order. Please note; for large corporations, we are able to set up a day of in-house credit card printing for employees, as long as there is a conference room with ample space for our set-up. We welcome all volume orders; please inquire by email orders@swipedeluxe.com or call us direct (201) 600-3484.
We're familiar with many companies that provide corporate credit cards to their employees, and do not have the ability to truly fully customize the cards with their company logos, or custom corporate designs, as well as have a metal credit card that would really impress clients. At Swipe Dè luxe, we work with small businesses and large corporations in order to cater to this particular matter. Please inquire by phone or email in regard to setting aside time to build custom designed metal credit cards for your company today.

At Swipe Dè Luxe, we are able to provide white-label card services, where we work together to print your customer orders and mail them off to you; typically in bulk. Then you add your boxing and there will be room for your mark-up in the order to make your profits & you'll ship the order off to your end customer. Please inquire by phone or email in order for us to provide you with pricing & protocols. We look forward to partnering with you in order for your company to grow as well.